Backing into Foster Care: Why Your Church Cares About Foster Care but Might Not Know it Yet by Ben Nockels

Ben Nockels: Backing into Foster Care: Why Your Church Cares About Foster Care but Might Not Know it Yet from Christian Alliance for Orphans on Vimeo.

From CAFO:

“On August 20th, 2014, some of the leading thinkers in foster care gathered in Oklahoma City to share ideas and experiences that are making a difference throughout the country. The presentations and discussions from this important were captured on video to be utilized as resources designed to equip a team of passionate people in any church to be wise and thoughtful foster care advocates.

For the past several years Benjamin Nockels has been cultivating relational networks among local church, nonprofit, and other community leaders in order to help make Oklahoma City a better, more equitable, and just place to live for all people. Benjamin currently serves as a founding partner and the visionary leader of the 111Project: a local faith based foster care movement “to leave no Oklahoma child without a family.” Ben is privileged to be raising three “little women” of his own right here in the heart of urban Oklahoma City.”